Hello, I am Ellie RosE

I have trained in holistic modalities that treat the individual as a whole in order to support natural health and nourish potential.

Sessions are tailored to the client's goals and together we look at your situation and lifestyle to meet your unique wellbeing needs. I welcome you to a nourishing space where you can relax. As a therapist I am warm, open minded and supportive. Treatments are designed to put you at ease, to allow space and time to rest and connect.

If you are interested in the treatments on offer, or have any questions, please fill out the contact information form, and I will be in touch.

Learn more about my training below and more about my philosophies here.

  • Ellie, Thank you so much for this year. You have helped more than you could imagine.

    Client, Reflexology and flower essence treatments

  • "I've found the essence easy to take. It supports and definitely makes things feel better. - I've struggled a lot during this lockdown and this essence is my magic wand for feeling better."

    Sandra writer Insta @_beautybalm and bbalm.blogspot.com

  • Honestly Ellie, I don’t know quite how to express how I am feeling now... What I’ve experienced is a golden thing. I felt my heart becoming a rose, an energy moving like it would on a rose. What you are doing is great work of immense deep full meaning. I don’t have the words. thanking you doesn’t seem quite enough. Thank you so much”

    Gabriel, Client of Rose healing

  • "A beautiful essence made with love. I have so enjoyed taking it. Thank you " "This essence has been a gorgeous inspiration for me. Thank you for your beautiful essences!”

    Jane, Londonderry, Northern Ireland

  • "WOW Ellie - That was truly a wonderful/ powerful/ deep and beautiful evening. Thank You!”

    Hayley, participant of Sacred Woman Sacred Rose workshop

  • Ellie has a cosmic cottage style which invites and allows you to traverse dimensions. A place of meeting and harnessing my innate and sovereign gifts in her cosy yet firm presence, I re-emerge with glow restored and hope for humanity and empowered kinship.

    Nat Santana

  • I have had the privilege of being treated by Ellie in a variety of ways. Her intuitive nature regards to healing is impressive, as she always works with such integrity. I received a flower essence treatment which really made a difference to me well-being. I recommend Ellie as a healing practitioner. She is trustworthy and vastly experienced in the healing arts.

    Katie Rose

  • "Ellie has a beautiful way. She shares a soft and giving nurture that undemanding supports me to open and receive. I feel her knowledge embodied in her. She offers from a place of love and her experience is rich. When receiving a flower remedy session with her, I sensed a deep bond connecting her to the nature, spirit, and wisdom of plants she works with, enchanting her magic and gifting fluency in her practice. "

    Chloe Wykes

  • Reflexology

    Cotswolds Academy - The ITEC Level 3 Reflexology qualification recognised by the Association of Reflexologists. Five Element Reflexology - Complementary Therapy College – Working with acupressure and 5 elements theory with reflexology

  • Chinese 5 Elements & Acupressure

    Complementary Therapy College - Chinese 5 elements trained reflexologist, combining accupresure points and 5 elements balance for health and vitality. Include facial acupressure, facial muscles, fascia, and acupressure map of the face, feet and hands.

  • Abdominal Therapist

    Abdominal Therapy Collective – Professional abdominal therapy practices of Dr. Rosita Arvigo and her lineage of study with traditional healers Don Elijio Panti, Miss Hortense Robinson www.abdominaltherapycollective.com/about-abdominal-therapy-collective

  • Flower Essence Practitioner

    BFVEA - working with the whole person and the power of plants to comfort, heal and grow.

    Trained to work with Bach Flower essences.

  • Arvigo® Spiritual Healing

    The Arvigo Institute - Arvigo® Spiritual Healing as developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo as a result of her long term apprenticeship with the late Maya H’Men (Doctor-Priest), Don Elijio Panti of Belize.

  • EFT

    Energy Counselling UK - Emotional freedom technique - tapping and working with body and energy meridians to support balance, healing and unwind trauma.

  • Trauma Informed Study

    I have taken a number of workshops and seminars in trauma informed practices, including Internal Family Systems and Somatic Experiencing and TRE- Trauma Release Exercises.

  • Apprentership with Annie Spencer

    Having completed a 5-year traditional apprenticeship in the art of ceremony and teachings of the medicine wheel with Elder and medicine woman Annie Spencer. Ellie is faculty member with Hartwell- Healing through a return to the Land. www.hartwell.eu.com

  • School of Martín Prechtel

    I spent 5 years learning at Bolads Kitchen, the school of Martín Prechtel in New Mexico. This experience has deeply nourished my being and continually informs my love of story, ritual and nature.

  • VITA™ Woman Programme

    Layla Martins tantra programme for discovering transformative tools of breathwork, somatics and trauma release to heal the feminine and empower through a reconnection to the body. Ancient traditions with modern science.

  • Ceremonialist and Nature Guide

    Trained with Annie Spencer, Hartwell Ceremonial and Shamanic Ways - Helping others find life purpose, self- love and grounded spiritual direction aligned with Earth wisdom.

  • Traditional Healing Practices

    I have also studied 'curanderismo' traditional healing practices from Mexico. Working with the body, spirit and plants to tend to human need to be well.

Let’s Connect

Reach out with any questions and get in touch for a courtesy clarity call.