
Balance. Gratitude. Life.

Ceremonies seek to honour different stages of your life, celebrate important moments, connect communities, provide healing, or offer remembrance and gratitude. Ceremony is an ancient way in which we express connection with Life and reciprocate with the natural world. There are many ways that ceremony can express a purpose and form. 

Ellie is a trained ceremonialist who will support your journey, tune in and create a beautiful ceremony held especially with you. With humility Ellie creates ceremonies of beauty that resonate in the heart. In times of broken lineage, we are all shoots on old roots. Where our indigenous connections have been cut we seek a way to bring our self into belonging and good relationship with the Earth and ourselves.

Get in touch to discuss your ceremony.

With a one-to-one consultation we will explore the inspiration and intention behind your ceremony and create something personal, authentic and meaningful to reflect who you are and your journey.

Community ceremony are also available from time to time and can be found listed here in the events page.