Lovingly made Flower Essences
Flower essences are infusions made from the flowering part of a plant. Flower essences contain the unique vibrational imprint of the plant they came from. Flower essences were discovered by a medical doctor who saw, early on, that there is a mind/body connection and that the body, mind and emotions all play a part in our overall health. A way to help a person heal is to also work with the emotions and whole person. He discovered that including flower essences to the healing journey improved his patients conditions. Flower essences are taken by adding drops to drinking water or direct into the mouth or can be used externally. They don't have a smell or taste and are gentle and safe to use for all, as there is no physical part of the flower in essence. The essence of the plant supports the energy field into a natural healthy flow.
Choose the essences right for you
All flower essences are available to buy, a single essence is £9 plus P&P, or a combination blend for £13 (plus P&P)
Shop will open soon in the meantime just send me an order via the link below.
Individual Flower Essences
Combination Blends
A combination of Peyote and Tobacco flower essences. These two teacher plants help us to connect to our spirit and remind us to find strength and wisdom from the heart. Supports us to have the courage to walk our hearts path.
A combination of Mimosa, Lilac, Elderflower together with a rare Hummingbird essence - make a blend of potency for supporting you to shimmer within, to be inspired and to live with awareness of possibility.
A vibrant combination of Rose, Apple, Hawthorn & Hibiscus together make a blend of potency for supporting the qualities of feminine power. Receptive & healthy boundaries. Supports healthy body image, freedom of expression and creativity.
A combination of Dandelion, Yarrow, St Johns Wort, Hawthorn together make a blend of potency for supporting you to feel safe and secure. Be close to that with is grounding, nourishing being, from the roots.
Bespoke Personal Blend
Create you own combination blend of 3 flower essences chosen from the full Bach Flower range or healing ways range. Take the questionnaire to discover the essences for you.

The best flower essence for you.
Take the flower essence questionnaire and you will be able to see a pattern of which essence/s come up for you today. This questionnaire describes all the Bach Flower essences.
Flower essences are infusions in water made from the flowering part of a plant, and the flower essence contains the unique vibrational imprint of the plant they came from.
Each plant holds different frequencies and resonates with different aspects of the psyche and emotions. By ingesting this remedy or applying it topically to the body, the healing qualities of that plant work as an ally to support the human energy field into a natural healthy flow.
They do not effect the mind, in an altering way and it is not the body of the plant you ingest. Rather flower essences work on the emotional and subtle energy , and are a catalyst for inner healing and change.
This is a big question with various answers. One of the answers is to say honestly, in part it is impossible to say for sure how they work. But the popularity of flower essences is global, and people come again and again for flower essences as they notice the benefits.
Essentially essences are the imprint of the resonance of the plants in water.
You could say, that they work in part because subtle energies are actually the building blocks of the patterns in life. Some thing that is small ( a charged drop of water ) is not so small when you consider that all of life is made up of small cells of energy vibrating, it is the small that makes a life, and its in the little things we start to make the biggest differences. Taking an essence brings energetic shifts to the subtle aspects that underlie patterns.
In terms of how the flower essences work we must adjust our perspective a little and look at health as a wholeness and balance of influences. We are energetic beings, our bodies are moving, we are processes, not fixed. Like nature we are made up of energy and vibration. Dr Edward Bach, sometimes compared the way flower essences work to be like music, flooding the senses with a quality that moves us.
Flower essences don’t ‘fix’ symptoms as say a drug may do, instead they bring in vibration that helps a shift from the inside.
The thing to consider with using flower essences is this, we will likely always have some stress and difficult emotions arising in life. But rather than suppressing negative experiences or feelings, flower essences work by encouraging the positive aspects of our personalities.
For example, the remedy Larch is given for lack of confidence or sense that we are 'not good enough’. When we take Larch, it works, not by fighting against these strong negative emotions but by cultivating within us the virtues of self-support, encouragement, and courage, in the presence of the energy of Larch much of our vibration of self-doubt simply melt away. When restored to a natural peace negative symptoms ease and we get to learn from our experience.
The best way to discover how they work is to come for a session and try them for yourself, or choose an essence from the apothecary.
Like all influences, those that we make with intention and responsibility are likely to be most effective. Working with essences intentionally enhances your healing journey, but only you can really take the steps.
Flower essences work on the emotional and subtle energy and are a catalyst for inner healing and change. There are so many positive changes that can occur from using flower essences.
Flower essences mirror different emotions and help bring ease to life’s emotional challenges. For example, there are flower essences to help with anger, confidence, depression, grief, energy levels, self-worth as well as variety of other obstacles that we face in life.
They can also help you manifest and build a vision of the energy you are walking towards, calling in your dreams they can be used intentionally to empower your projects and prayers; they can also be used to get new insights like an oracle reading from plants. Sometimes the universe speaks to us in flowers.
Dr Edward Bach developed a collection of essence that help with a vast array of human emotions. There are 38 Bach flower remedies, and for a full list of all the things they help with, check out the list in the apothecary.
There are no set rules on taking essences, and it is guided by your personal choice. However key recommendations are to remember that 3 - 7 drops are enough to take in a 'dose'. Take drops in water or direct on to tongue when you feel the need.
Avoid the pipette dropper touching your mouth/ tongue. This is important to keep essence clear bacteria.
For focused healing and changes- we recommend taking the essence regularly - ideally before sleep and in the morning or up to 4 times throughout the day. Find a pattern that works for you.
You can also add essences to the bath or body creams.
How long you take an essence blend for depends on if you feel a shift has occurred or if you still feel the need to take it. There are many essences that you may call on now and again for specific issues. ( for example if I get nervous about an interview or specific encounter I take mimulus essence). I don't need to take it every day.
But if I am on a healing journey with clearing or shifting my life I may take a blend for many weeks, even months till I feel ready to change the blend. For example, when had long lasting fatigue, I took olive essence for over a year, I now take it now and again.
Flower essences are very safe and can be used by anyone, even children and animals. Essences compliment other healing modalities. Flower essences have no fragrance, dye or artificial preservatives. They are made in water with brandy added as a preservative. So they tase of brandy. There is the option to have them preserved in apple cider vinegar if preferred. There is nothing in them you can react negatively to, or that could interfere with medicines or herbs you are taking. All pure flower essences are neutral in nature and subtle in effect. If you happen to choose an essence that is not appropriate, it will simply have no effect. So there is no risk in choosing the wrong one.
Now, as gentle as they are, flower essences can bring buried emotions to the surface. So, on rare occasions you may feel uncomfortable before you feel better. But, this does not mean the essences aren’t working. In fact, the opposite is true. Those emotions are coming up to be released and that means you are allowing yourself to heal at a deep level.
Disclaimer: Flower remedy essences are not medical product; they are highly diluted plant extracts which are used to support health. Flower remedies are not intended in any way as a substitute for qualified medical advice.
Also, important note: Dr Bach advised that Flower Essences should not be used in cases of psychosis, schizophrenia, possession and similar. The underlying issues here are complex psychological imbalance requiring further support.
Working with flower essences is a call for personal ritual. Create a time of intentional interaction with these Essences. For example, try to sit with your intentions and take a moment of stillness to invite the essences into your body when you first start taking an essence. Then ongoing when taking the essence take even just 2- 5 minutes to really be with the essence in stillness. Making time to write by having a journal to log what comes up for you can be really helpful. Taking flower essences right before bed invites the flowers to communicate through dreams, so track your nighttime adventures in your journal too. Taking a flower essence with the intention of being creative can be really revealing as well! There are many ways to incorporate flower essences into your wellness rituals- and this can be something that adds to your daily practices. Even if you can just a few minutes a days to attune to nature through the essences, it can have a really positive impact.
To create a deeper space and to have the support of a Fllower Essence Practioner its amazing how helpful a flower essence session can be.
Flower essences respond to core emotions. Whatever you are working with we will find a bespoke flower essence combination to support you in that journey.
Consultations can be done in person, online or over the phone.
Throughout a treatment session you will be held in a safe space and have the opportunity to share how you are, you will be witnessed and supported in this journey and a bespoke flower essence blend will be created to meet your needs and support your energy. You are invited to share as much as you wish about your situation and feelings. Or an essence blend can be dowsed and you can keep the details private to yourself.
You will have the essence sent to you in the post for you to continue the work and healing daily with a bespoke blend created for your needs.
The essence will be mixed with spring water and bandy in a dropper bottle, they have a very long shelf OR if you prefer can be mixed with vinegar and then will last 6 months.
More details can be found here: Treatments