This series of workshop is designed as a portal to connect woman with the teachings of roses in an embodied way.
To feel the sacredness of my life. NOT intellectually, but experience it. We know the Earth is sacred, but do we ever treat ourselves with that same reverence? The Rose Rituals workshop offers a focused space to discover your aliveness. Inviting the Spirit of Rose as an ally, discover what it means to bridge spirit and body through connection to the beautiful teachings of Roses.
At its heart connecting with a plant is a journey of reconnecting to the living world. It is the holy work of remembering our true nature with help from the plant kingdom.
"Within each human being there is the capacity to communicate with all life, to understand the archetype that lives within. The plants will share many of their healing properties, to one who listens."
Stephen Harrod Buhner; “Sacred Plant Medicine”
We will approach rose spirit through the support of the beautiful practices of ritual, making offerings, tea ceremony and teachings of the medicine wheel. Medicine wheel teachings hold a way of seeing, a remembering to guide us back into good relationship with the Earth and ourselves. From this holding we will approach the teachings of Rose spirit.
When in sacred reciprocity, the plant teacher, may bestow on the student deep teachings as well as physical, emotional and spiritual healing. What gifts, teachings, releases, wake ups and magic she brings you - is for you to discover.
What will this workshop bring?
- Invite the wisdom of rose into your awareness to receive personal insight
- Clear your path from envy or jealousy with a sisterhood blessing
- Experience connecting with the spirit of the land and plants
- Nurture yourself with a rooted connection to heart and body
- Embody your spirit and ground your prayers and dreams