Abdominal Therapy

Women’s Womb Health

Abdominal therapy, also known as or uterine massage or womb massage, is a therapeutic technique that involves gentle manipulation of the abdomen to promote relaxation, improve circulation, and support reproductive health. Supporting the flow, circulation and vitality of the abdominal and womb space can have profound benefits both physical and emotionally.

A nurturing massage for women can be beneficial for various health issues: from digestive troubles, painful periods, fertility support, pelvic problems to emotional upset. Stress and life experiences can impact our wellbeing, inviting flow and releasing tension in your bodies centre can be source of healing and nervous system regulation.

Wisdom Traditions Woman’s Wellbeing

Abdominal therapy exists in many cultures and healing traditions around the globe, and traditional knowledge of women’s health has been passed down through time. Healthy maintenance of female bodies is crucial to support a woman’s journey through life. Reproductive health is essential to the longevity of human culture and versions of abdominal therapy are known worldwide. These treatments are used by midwives, physiotherapists, naturopaths and massage therapists to support client health and wellbeing.

Abdominal therapy technique is a simple and structured massage, that allows you to breathe more deeply and increases circulation in the belly and pelvis. This help address the position and health of pelvic and abdominal organs to improve function of reproduction and digestion. Using gentle touch, a session supports the body to release physical and emotional congestion, to bring about better circulation of arterial blood, venous blood, nerve supply, lymph and energy (Chi/Chu’lel) flow in the body.

Circulation brings vitality to all your organs, optimising digestion, energizing the nervous system, and endocrine systems, hormone balance and supporting reproductive health.

Abdominal/womb therapy is holistic in its approach to health and wellbeing. Tending this womb space brings great benefits and supports a woman’s balance and to feel a positive connection to the the vitality and vibrancy of her body.

tending the womb space supports a womens overall healthy balance.


  • Abdominal Therapy specifically to supports a women’s balance, and encourages a healthy connection to self.

    Abdominal therapy is helpful for those experiencing issues with their menstrual cycle (period pains, irregular cycle, PMT).

    Abdominal Therapy is helpful for people on their fertility journey from preconception through to post- partum care.

    Abdominal Therapy offers support for digestive issues (IBS, stress related digestion or anxiety held in belly).

    Also, this work is helpful for emotional issues that have a link to the energetics of our vitality and primal energies and can assist to clear stuck emotions or emotions held in the womb.

    Some conditions such as organ prolapse may require further attention over a longer period of time and its recommended you also see your doctor or pelvic floor specialists.

  • A comprehensive review of ‘Your Health Story’ focusing on reproductive and digestive health.

    • Upper and lower abdominal massage to help improve circulation to abdominal organs.

    • Relaxing massage to the feet for corresponding reflexology and energy points.

    • Instruction on how to perform YAM (Your Abdominal Massage) which you do at home to continue the work long after you have left my clinic.

    • Recommendations of complementary modalities to support your health and wellness may include:

    • P-Steams (also known as Yoni steams they are a traditional herbal pelvic steam bath of the Maya)

    • Castor oil packs

    • Lifestyle education.

    I will work with you to address your specific needs and may suggest a course of treatment.

    Typically, 3 to 6 professional sessions are recommended to address conditions.

Learn more

Ellie trained with Abdominal Therapy Collective, and these techniques Abdominal Therapy were developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo as a result of her medical studies, and long-term apprenticeship with the late Mayan H’Men (Doctor-Priest), Don Elijio Panti of Belize and local medicine midwives.

“The uterus is a woman’s center, if it is not in good health, then her life will be out of balance physically, emotionally and spiritually.” Don Elijio, a traditional Mayan healer

To learn more about her and this work please feel free to visit: abdominaltherapycollective.com

Book Your TreatmenT

Initial 1st consultation is circa 1.5 - 2 hours and includes tutorial on self-care home massage.


Follow up treatments 1 hour


Treatments are also available as part of a cost effective - Fertility Journey - Wellbeing Package.


Energy Cleanse


Wellbeing Packages